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Volume 09 - Issue 07 (July 2024)

Flexible Hose Lining Applies in the Complex Site of Extreme Long Length and Numerous Bends
Shih Chien, Hsu || Yi Chun, Lai || Yao Min Fang
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, pp 01 - 10, Vol 09 - No. 07, 2024
Trenchless technologies apply to potable water pipeline was introduced to Taiwan in 1996. Most of them provide various pipe rehabilitation solutions for water mains. However, rehabilitation of small and medium diameters has always problems to pipeline utilities. In 2017, ISO-11295 introduced a new technology called "Lining with inserted hose” (flexible hose Sliplining) provide a good solution for small and medium dimeter rehabilitation Zhishan Road at Wai Shuangxi area in Shilin zone relies on the water supply from the Shuangxi Water Treatment Plant. Water source of Shuangxi is greatly affected by the dry season. Water supply jurisdiction lacks a backup mechanism, and the risk of water supply is relatively high. Therefore, to establish a backup water source for the Shuangxi Water Treatment Plant. Taipei Water Department intend to apply the water from the Huaxing Distributing Tank as the backup water source for the Shuangxi Water Treatment Plant. A 220mm diameter high-strength and flexible hose liner slip into the old Shuangxi raw water pipeline which path in the Jungle. Depending on the needs of the Shuangxi Water Treatment Plant, intermittently pressurized to improve the backup capacity of the water supply in the Shuangxi area and ensure the stability of the water supply. Case study describes a long length and multi-curved pulling project in the special surroundings of Jungle. Heavy machinery is impossible to approach and cannot provide any assistance, which is extremely difficult. Thanks for the anti-friction improvement facilities and following pulling strategies. The project finally completed. The project separated to two pulling sections that pass through an inverted siphons each, included a 52 meters elevation difference one. The sections lengths are 1,600M and 1,300M respectively, and connected the two sections by 120M open cut. The 1600M long length pulling is the longest single pulling case in the world by Lining with inserted hose.
Trenchless Technologies, Pipeline Rehabilitation, Backup Water Source
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An Overview on Self-Complementary 3-Uniform Hypergraphs
Lata N. Kamble
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, pp 11 - 17, Vol 09 - No. 07, 2024
Hypergraph is a generalization of a graph in which an edge may contain more than two vertices. A hypergraph H is called a k -uniform (or a k -uniform hypergraph) if every edge contains exactly k number of vertices. In this paper, we review the current research in self-complementary 3 -uniform hypergraphs and bipartite self-complementary 3 -uniform hypergraphs. We mainly focus on necessary and sufficient conditions on the order for existence and the cycle structure of complementing permutations for each of these selfcomplementary classes.
hypergraph, self-complementary, complementing permutation, quasi-regular
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Assessment of Prescription Writing Skills amongst Dental Professionals of Private Clinics and Governmental Hospitals in Jalalabad City, Afghanistan
Dr. Anees Ur Rahman Fanoos, Dr. Khalid Faaiz, Dr. Farman Shinwari
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, pp 18 - 21, Vol 09 - No. 07, 2024
This study aimed to assess the prescription writing skills and knowledge of dental professionals in Jalalabad City, Afghanistan. A total of 300 participants, including registered dental surgeons and house officers, were involved in the study. A questionnaire was used to evaluate the participants' prescription writing abilities, and the forms were scored based on 21 parameters that should be included in a professional prescription. The results showed that while most participants had a fair knowledge and awareness of the properties of the prescribed medicines, they often missed important details in their prescriptions, such as diagnosis, route, patient's address or contact number, and degree or registration number. The study highlighted the need for instructional interventions in undergraduate courses and careful supervision during the house job to improve prescription writing skills among dental professionals. The findings also emphasized the importance of training students in prescription writing during their undergraduate education and exposing them to the clinical setting to ensure they have the necessary skills for practicing dentistry. However, the study has limitations, and further research focusing on the accuracy of drug information and general knowledge of prescription writing parameters is needed. Overall, the study concluded that while most dental professionals had decent prescription writing skills, there is room for improvement in certain areas to ensure patient safety and effective healthcare delivery.
Prescription writing skills, Parameters, Dental Professionals, Prescription.
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Effect of Temperature on Growth, Germination, Sporulation and Phathogenicity of Beauveria Bassiana BB1 Isolated from Black Pepper Soil against Root Mealybug Formicococcus sp. (Homoptera: Pseudococidae) in Dak Lak Province of Viet Nam
Tran Thi Hue, Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy, Tran Thi Thu Ha
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, pp 22 - 27, Vol 09 - No. 07, 2024
Selection of potential entomophathogenic fungi isolates for biocontrol control need base on the assessment their biological attributes to determine that may be better suited for the local environment. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of temperature on growth, conidia germination, and phathogencityof the fungal strains Beauveria bassiana BB1 isolated from black pepper soil against root mealybug Formicococcus sp.As a result of the provided analyses, it was shown that the optimum temperature growth was between 25°C to 27°C, while the growth stops was at 35°C. However, conidia harvested from different temperature levels (20oC, 22oC, 25oC, 27oC, 30oC, 32oC)for culture has no effect on mortality of adult mealybugs. It was concluded that Beauveria bassiana BB1 is active within temperature ranges experienced in black pepper fields in Dak Lak province of Viet Nam.
black pepper, root mealybug, entomophathogenic fungi, Beauveria bassiana.
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