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Volume 06 - Issue 01 (January 2021)

Efficient planning methods for storage and distribution management in Cold Chain
Myo Min Aung, Yoon Seok Chang
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, pp 01 - 09, Vol 06 - No. 01, 2021
Perishable foods need strict environmental conditions when these are transported or stored along the way from production to consumption. In food industry, food incidents, recalls, disputes and rejects could be often seen with respect to safety and quality of food. The distance of the journey from producer to consumer increases, the risks of perishability and damage also increases in supply chain due to factors like temperature variations, shock during transfer etc. Therefore, cold chain or temperature-controlled supply chain that provides appropriate facilities and efficient methods is essential in order to maintain safety, quality and integrity of food. Importantly, the preliminary planning before storage and transport is essential and can help to reduce quality losses and save time and resources. The purpose of this study is to investigate the viable procedures and methods for storage and distribution management in cold chain.
cold chain, distribution, storage, temperature management, monitoring, quality assessment, wireless sensor network
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A study of QR code for Identifying Location and Navigation in Mobile Robot
Thanarat Chawaphan, Duangkamol Angboonta, Myo Min Aung
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, pp 10 - 17, Vol 06 - No. 01, 2021
This paper investigates the feasibility of an integrated Android device system as an identifying location for navigation control unit of mobile robot. This work can add to the advancement for the field of embedded systems through the development of embedded Android application that show the current capacity of the Android device to execute complex navigation algorithms for the control unit of the mobile robot. In this work, we used a system consisting of a control component made by Android tablet (Samsung N5100) and a mobile robot component. The Android device is the embedded system that read and decode information from QR code, which have been implemented considering known limitations and mobility limits, such as memory capacity and processing speed. For the communication part between Arduino Uno and the Android device using the Bluetooth module (HC-06) as a transfer information device. There are nine stations used for position identification, each station being positioned by the QR code as position information. The mobile robot can start the process with any guided path, after obtaining information from the first QR code, a mobile robot system can know its position and calculation to find the way to reach the destination station.
Identifying Location; Mobile Robot; QR Code; HC-06; Bluetooth; Navigation
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Solving Matrix Games with Functional Payoffs
Gurami N. Beltadze
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, pp 18 - 25, Vol 06 - No. 01, 2021
A model of a finite antagonistic game of two complex S and U systems (two firms, as the players) is discussed in the paper. By realization of (i, j)E AxB situation chosen by them the getting result is estimated by the time [0,T] interval with the first player's utility (payoff's) fij(t),tE [0,T] function. We suppose that the given systems are "impatient", because the first player tries to get a maximal payoff [0,T] at the beginning of time, but the second player tries to lose minimal at the beginning of this time. We defined two players' antagonistic m x n matrix Tf(t) game with functional payoffs depending on t E [0,T] time. In the given game the players’ optimal strategies as in pure and also in mixed strategies and the solutions on [0, t0] [0.T]interval are defined. The conditions of the existence such kind of solutions and the methods of their finding are studied. Sufficient condition of solution's nonexistence is studied. Examples are discussed, where the first player's (S system's) optimal strategies' existence and problems of its finding by using classical methods will be studied.
System, Matrix game, Player, Payoff function, Strategy, Situation, Optimal decision
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